Thursday, 12 March 2009


Kairos - a 'crucial moment' in your life. Kairology, the 'doorway to many points', is a great name for a book about self-development. I am reading Ian Williams' Kairology book and it's colourful, easy to read and has some very simple concepts. I only looked at it yesterday for the first time, but already I want to buy it for some friends, as well as read it cover to cover for myself.

Heading for London, for a meeting with a high flyer (so I asked my very clever boss to come too), I couldn't take work on the train, but I did take this neat little book. There's a bit at the front which doesn't sit with my philosophy in life, but that doesn't matter, the principles are applicable whatever you feel/believe.

Arranged in four 'suits' - the book takes you through Hearts - passion, Clubs - values expression, Spades - values action, Diamonds - values results. OK, that doesn't really explain it very well, but I can't reproduce chunks of the book here, that would be against copyright.

But what I can say is that the way it addresses the issues that face us all is really accessible - something you can actually 'do', not just read and think 'ah yes, but in MY case....'

It was good to read the book, especially before that meeting. It helped me think a little about me, what I need and want and can offer. That last one I forget all too often.

It's on the main site, and you can buy it as an ebook too.

I do actually check the stuff on my site, and I use it! OK, I don't train, but I really am looking at trying out the self development stuff, because then I will succeed, my business will succeed - and the aim of my business is to help others to succeed. It's a good business to be in.

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