Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Buteyko Breathing

I don't usually post information about seminars or events, but I met Jen a while back and I was intrigued by this. So, if you (like me) want to find out more about how this can help you with asthma and other things - here's the details:

Tomorrow evening (Wednesday 6th May 2009), 8pm London time, I'm running a FREE teleseminar - introduction to Buteyko Breathing. It's short (half an hour) and run in a radio show format with 2 co-hosts to keep me on track! It's a first for me, and I'm really excited about the possibilities for this sort of event. If you've any interest in better breathing for yourself, family, clients etc, it would be great if you could phone in. The event will be recorded and available later if you can't make it, but I'd really like an audience to make it feel real, and ask questions at the end (if you want.)

I'll explain how improving breathing habits has a direct and measurable effect on health issues such as asthma, panic and low energy levels.

If all goes to plan it will include:

a quick breathing check-up for the listeners to do
an explanation of how the technique helps your body reduce symptoms and gain energy
results of recent clinical trials
who it can help
a chance to ask questions at the end.

Here's the all-important link - registration details not required.

Jen Tiller MBIH
REALITY QUESTstrategies for well-being

Taking control - losing control

What can we do to take control of our lives? Well, there are thousands of sites and blogs out there promising the answer in '7 days' or 'ten easy steps' - but the truth is, I think, that you have really got to want to change.

It's hard when your life is controlled by so many external factors such as economy, geography and even your own physical well-being (my mother has recently broken her wrist and it's amazing the negative messages she is giving herself, even though it's getting better!).

But taking control is the challeng. Losing control? Oh now I could do that just as easily! I could scream and give up, thump the walls in frustration, walk away and into the sunset (though I'd probably fall off or over something on the way).

Maybe - just maybe losing control isn't a bad thing? I don't know - I've come close but never quite let go. Just when I think things are bad, and that I really want to run away from them, something in me says 'now now, and what good would that do?'.

Taking control is probably a better option, but the only person in control of that is me. I can read all the self help books I want, I can 'tap' and I can meditate and ... it really is about mindset. EFT and self-help books do help me to focus, but the real challenge is making the difference. Changing my own attitudes and assertiveness, asking and not just accepting, looking for the change I want instead of waiting for it to waltz up to me saying 'well now, HERE you are! I've been looking for you!'

So I'm going to focus on one small thing at a time. And once I have that under my control - even if it's something as simple as my diet - then I will look to the next challenge.