Friday, 15 January 2010

Finding your own champion

I was advised by a personal coach the other day that you can 'find your own champion inside yourself' - in other words, don't wait around for others to fix things for you or to come riding in on a white charger. The ability to change your life and your outcomes lies, mostly, within your own control.

External factors notwithstanding, there is a lot we can do to promote our own champions - one example given to me by a business coach was to 'find an alter ego' - build a self image based on someone or people you admire. Take their positive qualities and embed them in your alter ego.

Then, when you need that courage, ability or confidence, think of that person you have given all those wonderful qualities to (including being YOUR champion) and become them for the time you need them.

Eventually you will find that the qualities of this alter ego rub off, and you can be who you admire. Learn to love yourself, admire yourself, and accept the help that your inner champion can give you.